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Together with Landschap Overijssel, we are planting a total of 61,935 trees and shrubs to expand and strengthen forest areas in Overijssel. In this way, we ensure robust, climate-proof nature and contribute to biodiversity in Overijssel.

Status: Current project

Strengthening nature in Overijssel

Forest, heathland, meadows and bogs: the varied landscape in the province of Overijssel is home to great biodiversity and has a high scenic value, which is enjoyed by many.

But the climate is changing. Prolonged droughts or, on the contrary, flooding are becoming more frequent. This affects not only nature, but also biodiversity. Therefore, together with Landschap Overijssel, we are making the province more climate-proof by expanding and strengthening forest areas.

In the 2022-2023 planting season, we have already planted 20,025 trees in Twente. But we are not done yet! Next planting season, Overijssel will gain another 41,910 trees and shrubs.

Participate in our forest projects

  • Enter a number
  • Enter a number
  • Enter a number
  • Enter a number
  • You will be kept informed about your trees with Track & Trees.
  • You will receive an invitation to plant your own trees during a tree planting day.
  • You will (optionally) receive a mailbox tree. We get trees from you, you get a tree from us!





trees and shrubs species


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What makes this project necessary in Overijssel?

With this project, we ensure more robust forests, connections between forests and more climate-proof forests in Overijssel. By planting trees, we strengthen nature and contribute to biodiversity.

This is badly needed, because existing forests in Overijssel are suffering the consequences of climate change. Forest plots that mainly contained one tree species, such as Japanese larch or Norway spruce, have been damaged by drought and the gnawing of the letter beetle. We will replace these species with indigenous species of trees, which are much more resistant to climate change.


The badger, white admiral and yellowhammer (from left to right) are examples of animals that benefit from this new forest. In the forests, they find food, places to shelter and space to reproduce.

Not only do we restore existing forest, but we also plant new forest. In doing so, we strengthen nature and contribute to more biodiversity. By planting trees, we expand existing forests and connect existing nature areas. The resulting forest will become a breeding ground for different species of animals, such as the white admiral, the yellowhammer and the badger.

We humans also benefit from this new forest. After all, trees provide oxygen, clean air, water and food. Moreover, trees store CO2 and contribute to combating climate change. And as if these were not enough benefits, forests are also a wonderful place to spend leisure time. So with this project, we have contributed to a green and healthy Netherlands for people, animals and nature!


How to realise this?

In the 2022-2023 planting season, we have already planted trees at 10 different locations in Twente on former agricultural land. All in all, 5 hectares of forest have been added. We also restored more than 3 hectares of forest, forest edges and landscape elements.

Next season, we will continue the work: another 41,910 trees and shrubs will be added throughout Overijssel. We are planting with various indigenous species that are resistant to climate change. These include birch, alder, oak, lime, hazel, hawthorn, blackthorn, Gelderland rose, dirt tree. All species that belong in this environment and fit in well with the surrounding forests.

Our aims

  • Strengthening and expanding the forests of Overijssel
  • Creating robust, climate-proof nature
  • Preserving, strengthening and expanding the number of different plants and animals (biodiversity)
  • Strengthening the beautiful Overijssel landscape

This project of Trees for All contributes to several Sustainable Development Goals

13. Climate action
15. Life on land
17. Partnership for the goals

Where are we planting?

In several places in the province of Overijssel, we will plant new forest and restore existing forest.

Our partner

In this project we work together with Landschap Overijssel. This organisation is committed to protecting, developing and managing the Overijssel landscape: a landscape with special nature and a regional history, with great value for people, plants and animals.

Hans Pohlmann

“With your donation we take a beautiful step in strengthening landscapes and nature in Overijssel!”

– Hans Pohlmann, Nature Manager at Landschap Overijssel