What are we going to do in Drenthe?
In total, we will plant 11,733 trees and shrubs in Drenthe. Of these, 8,417 trees will be planted on former farmland in Dalerpeel. The rest will be planted on a meadow in Sleen, where cattle used to graze. That means we are planting 3.8 hectares of new forest, which amounts to more than 5 football fields!
We plant various indigenous species of trees and shrubs in order to create a diverse forest. As a result, these forests with different species are much more resistant in times characterized by droughts, diseases or plagues than forests with only one or a few species. If one species is struggling in a forest with many different species, the other trees can take over and maintain the forest ecosystem.
Importantly, a diverse forest attracts many different types of flora and fauna. For example, birds, mammals or fungi, but also insects such as bees and butterflies. Importantly, those insects are necessary for the pollination of our plants and flowers.