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Trees for All has planted 700 metres of hedges in historic Canterbury, England. A total of 2,000 trees and shrubs have been given a place on the school grounds of Junior King's School. We did this together with forest consultancy Sylva Nova.

Status: Completed project

700 metres of hedgerows in Canterbury

Surrounding the historic city of Canterbury in England are several protected nature reserves, such as the Westbere Marshes and the Stodmarch National Nature Reserve. These forests and marshes are home to all kinds of rare plants and animals. Including the sedge basket snail, an endangered species in England.

The areas are connected by the Stour, a river that runs through Canterbury. Due to urbanisation, a lot of green space has disappeared over the years. And that has major consequences. Not only is there less and less space for nature, but without trees and shrubs, among other things, the connection between nature areas is disappearing. The habitat of animals such as beetles, crickets, mice and frogs becomes fragmented as a result.

We are changing this with this project. Together with Sylva Nova, we planted 700 metres of hedges on the Junior Kings’s School grounds. This way, we increase biodiversity along the river and provide a greener environment for the students.

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trees and shrubs planted


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planting schedule



different species

Why did we plant in Canterbury?

The hedges were planted along the River Stour on the playing fields of Junior Kings’s School. In doing so, we are creating a ‘green-blue corridor’: a connection of water, trees and plants. This allows animals to move more easily between the protected nature reserves along the Stour.

The hedge also provides shelter. Birds such as nightingales, reed buntings, robins and blackbirds will soon be able to nest in the hedges again. Thus, the project contributes to more biodiversity in the area.

In addition, a large area opposite the railway line is being redeveloped. This green partition will keep the new housing developments out of sight of the school and allow pupils to enjoy a green view.

Not to mention, the trees and hedges contribute to a better climate. They absorb CO2 and capture nitrogen and particulate matter. So the project not only has a positive impact on local biodiversity, but also on the living environment of pupils and residents.

Before and after hedge planting

What did we do in this project?

A total of 2,000 trees and shrubs were planted. Here we chose a variety of species: besides hawthorn, alder, hornbeam, beech, wild apple, common bird cherry, blackthorn, dog rose, pedunculate oak, hazel and spindle.

These tree and shrub species have many berries and blossoms. In this way, the hedge is an important source of food for birds, insects and other small animals.

Het zeggekorfslakje (foto: Stichting Anemoon)

News from Canterbury

700 metres of hedgerows in Canterbury: results of 2023-2024 planting season

700 metres of hedgerows in Canterbury: results of 2023-2024 planting season

Trees for All has planted 700 metres of hedgerows in the historic city of Canterbury, in England. A total of 2,000 trees and shrubs have been given a place on the school grounds of Junior King’s School. We planted them in partnership with forest management and consultancy Sylva Nova.

Read the story

This project of Trees for All contributes to several Sustainable Development Goals

13. Climate action
15. Life on land
17. Partnership for the goals

Where is the hedge planted?

The hedges were planted along playing fields at Junior King’s School in Canterbury, England.

Our partner

In this project, we collaborate with Sylva Nova, a forest consultancy based in Belgium. The agency specialises in setting up and monitoring projects for reforestation and restoration of forest ecosystems in Europe and beyond. Together with Junior King’s School, they created the plan and will carry out the monitoring of the project.

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Do you think it is important that Trees for All can continue to support projects like this? Then you can support us with a donation. For every tree in the Netherlands, we also plant one abroad.

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