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Bieslandse and Waalse Bos

Trees for All worked together with Staatsbosbeheer to sustainably manage the restoration of the Waalse and Bieslandse forests.

Status: Completed project

Restoration of Dutch woodland affected by ash dieback

In the Bieslandse and Waalse forest (close to Delft and Tull en Het Waal respectively) a large part of the forest has died. Trees for all worked together with Staatsbosbeheer to restore these forests.

Why is this project necessary?

The massive ash dieback is caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, a fungus that finds it origin in eastern Asia. In the Netherlands this invasive fungus has led to a high mortality of common ash. When a forest consist of predominantly one species, like the common ash forests in the Bieslandse and Waalse forest, a large part of the forest dies. To prevent unsafe circumstances these trees had to removed from the forests. Trees for All worked together with Staatsbosbeheer to sustainably restore these forest by realizing a mixed forest.

By choosing for a wide variety of native species we realized a resilient forest. Trees like the common alder, common oak, small-leaved lime, willow, hazel and sweet cherry provide extra food for many animals. This way we transformed a sick and monotonous forest to a healthy and diverse forest that appeals to plants, animals and people. 

Participate in our forest projects

  • Enter a number
  • Enter a number
  • Enter a number
  • Enter a number
  • You will be kept informed about your trees with Track & Trees.
  • You will receive an invitation to plant your own trees during a tree planting day.
  • You will (optionally) receive a mailbox tree. We get trees from you, you get a tree from us!


trees planted



hectares of forest



tree and shrub species


0 0

planting period

This Trees for All project contributes to realizing multiple
Sustainable Development Goals

13. Climate action
15. Life on land
17. Partnership for the goals

Where did we plant?

The Waalse forest is located in Tull en het Waal in the province of Utrecht, the Bieslandse forest in Pijnacker in the province of Zuid-Holland. The plots are spread over both areas, with a total of 8 hectares in the Waalse forest and 15,9 in the Bieslandse forest.

Our partners

This project has been realised together with Staatsbosbeheer. For more information about the ash dieback you can visit this webpage from Staatsbosbeheer.

We transformed a sick and monotonous forest to a healthy and diverse forest that appeals to plants, animals and people.

Waalse Bos