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Offset your total carbon footprint

Calculate your personal carbon footprint or compensate directly for the average annual carbon emission with regards to your household via our certified forestation projects.

How much carbon do you emit?

Nearly all of our activities cause carbon emission, for instance when driving, or when we switch on the central heating. Additionally, the production of our food or the products we buy cause significant quantities of CO2 to be poured into the air. All of this causes our climate to change.

For a liveable earth with a healthy climate it is therefore important to reduce as much CO2 as possible. Would you like to know what your impact on the climate is? Our easy-to-use calculator, developed together with sustainability foundation Milieu Centraal, helps you determine your personal CO2 footprint on an annual basis. Thus, you are able to figure out exactly how much CO2 you emit with regards to energy consumption, transportation, food and clothing… and where you could start reducing!

CO2 emission which cannot be avoided (as yet), can be compensated for in a sustainable way by planting trees in our certified forestation projects.

Calculate your personal carbon footprint

Answer the questions for your own situation and discover how much CO2 you emit annually. Compare your results to those of other (Dutch) households. How sustainable is your lifestyle?

Start calculator

What is done with your donation?

We invest your donation for carbon offset in social reforestation projects with a wide impact. The trees we plant capture carbon from the atmosphere and ensure more biodiversity and job opportunities. The farmers receive training in sustainable land use and in combining native trees with other crops; a method known as agroforestry. So it is good not just for the climate and nature, but also for the local population. One of our projects is located in Bolivia.

Aanplant Bolivia
Read more about our project in Bolivia

Plan Vivo certified projects

Our projects are certified by Plan Vivo, which is the international standard for carbon offset that focuses on local communities, thus guaranteeing not only carbon capture, but also improved living conditions, sustainable land management and conservation of biodiversity. Several independent checks are carried out to prove that your carbon emissions have actually been captured.


Carbon offset: a good idea or not?

For a better climate, it is important that we drastically reduce CO2 emissions. At the same time, we as a society can not (yet) avoid all CO2 emissions. In that case, CO2 compensation is a way to reduce your negative impact on the climate. But compensation only makes sense if we reduce our emissions at the same time. That is why our motto is: first reduce, then compensate!

Our vision of CO2 offsetting

Receive and share your personal certificate

As proof of your CO2 compensation you will receive a certificate with your name. Share the certificate and show that you are well-involved with the climate!


Compensate for the average carbon footprint

The average Dutchman annually emits 9.09 tons of CO2. Compensate for this CO2 emission directly for yourself or for your entire household.

Offset now