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Plant trees with your name
in our Anniversary Forest!

Hooray, Trees for All is 25 years old! And that’s cause for celebration. To mark our anniversary, you can plant trees in your name throughout the month of October in our Anniversary Forest, in the Netherlands. You can plant trees in the names of your staff or associates, for example, or in your own company name. By doing so, you’ll be giving the world (and Trees for All) the best gift of all!

Boom van


Geplant door

Aantal geplante bomen


Aantal bomen geplant: 13,366

You can find all the personalised trees in our digital Anniversary Forest. And you can see exactly how many trees have already been planted – and for whom and by whom. Use the search bar to spot your trees.

Plant trees in your name
Plant trees in your name

Trees for your staff or associates

As a business, you’ll be getting your first opportunity to plant trees in your name in this forest. You can plant them in the names of your staff or associates, for example, or in your own company name.

You can find all the trees and their names in our digital Anniversary Forest. And that’s not all. At the end of this year, all the anniversary trees will go into the ground for real. Your company will be invited to join in the planting at a festive tree planting day. Together, we can make the Netherlands greener!

Trees for your staff or associates

As a business, you’ll be getting your first opportunity to plant trees in your name in this forest. You can plant them in the names of your staff or associates, for example, or in your own company name.

You can find all the trees and their names in our digital Anniversary Forest. And that’s not all. At the end of this year, all the anniversary trees will go into the ground for real. Your company will be invited to join in the planting at a festive tree planting day. Together, we can make the Netherlands greener!

Planting trees in the Anniversary Forest: how it works

From sole proprietors to big organisations: as a company, you can plant one or several trees in your name throughout the month of October. Our birthday wish is to plant at least 25,000 trees: 1,000 trees for every year we’ve been around.

Step 1

Decide who you want to plant trees for in the Anniversary Forest. Donations can be made from 1 to 31 October 2024.

Step 2

Go to link and start your donation. Here, you can personalise all your trees at one go, by uploading one file of names.

Step 3

All the trees will be planted straight away in the digital Anniversary Forest, where you can see the named trees that your company has donated.

Step 4

On 30 November 2024, we’ll plant the first trees in the Anniversary Forest at a location in the Netherlands that we’ll be revealing at the beginning of November. If you donate at least 25 trees, you can come and help with the planting.

Whose name can you plant a tree in?

For staff:

Surprise your staff by planting one or more trees in their name. That will put your colleagues in the spotlight (as well as in the forest)!

If you plant a tree in the name of a member of staff, then only their first name will be shown on the name banner in the digital Anniversary Forest. Click on the tree to see more information, such as first and last names (optional), company name, number of trees planted and tree number.

For associates:

Surprise your business associates by planting one or more trees in their name. That will demonstrate your company’s interest in creating more forests in the world, as well as strengthening your ties with your associates through a personal and long-lasting gift.

If you plant a tree in the name of a business associate, then only their first name will be shown on the name banner in the digital Anniversary Forest. Click on the tree to see more information, such as first and last names (optional), your company name & your associate’s company name, number of trees planted and tree number.

Plant trees for associates

For your own company:

If you’d like to come and celebrate with us and plant trees in your own name, then please join us! You can plant as many named trees as you like.

If you plant a tree in your own company name, then the company name will be shown on the name banner in the digital Anniversary Forest. Click on the tree to see more information, such as your company name, number of trees planted by your company and tree number.

Whose name can you plant a tree in?

For staff:

Surprise your staff by planting one or more trees in their name. That will put your colleagues in the spotlight (as well as in the forest)!

If you plant a tree in the name of a member of staff, then only their first name will be shown on the name banner in the digital Anniversary Forest. Click on the tree to see more information, such as first and last names (optional), company name, number of trees planted and tree number.

For associates:

Surprise your business associates by planting one or more trees in their name. That will demonstrate your company’s interest in creating more forests in the world, as well as strengthening your ties with your associates through a personal and long-lasting gift.

If you plant a tree in the name of a business associate, then only their first name will be shown on the name banner in the digital Anniversary Forest. Click on the tree to see more information, such as first and last names (optional), your company name & your associate’s company name, number of trees planted and tree number.

For your own company:

If you’d like to come and celebrate with us and plant trees in your own name, then please join us! You can plant as many named trees as you like.

If you plant a tree in your own company name, then the company name will be shown on the name banner in the digital Anniversary Forest. Click on the tree to see more information, such as your company name, number of trees planted by your company and tree number.

Trees for… Jennifer Hoffman

In the digital Anniversary Forest, you’ll see Celebrity Trees growing as well. Did you spot the tree of our ambassador, the actress Jennifer Hoffman, for example? And the Anniversary Forest is home to more Trees of Dutch Celebrities, such as actor Egbert-Jan Weeber, Princess Margarita and the Mayor of Utrecht, Sharon Dijksma. Follow their green example and make the forest grow even bigger!

Trees for… Jennifer Hoffman

In the digital Anniversary Forest, you’ll see Celebrity Trees growing as well. Did you spot the tree of our ambassador, the actress Jennifer Hoffman, for example? And the Anniversary Forest is home to more Trees of Dutch Celebrities, such as actor Egbert-Jan Weeber, Princess Margarita and the Mayor of Utrecht, Sharon Dijksma. Follow their green example and make the forest grow even bigger!


What makes this donation different to my other donation(s)?

  • Only this month can you personalise each tree you donate, by giving it a unique name.
  • Your named trees are displayed in the digital Anniversary Forest.
  • You get the opportunity to come and plant the named trees yourself in the Anniversary Forest on 30 November.

My named tree(s) are planted in the digital Anniversary Forest, but are they planted physically as well?

Yes indeed! All the trees planted in the digital forest will be planted for real in a forest in the Netherlands at the end of 2024. You can come and help at a special tree planting day on 30 November. We’ll keep you updated by e-mail on how the forest is developing.  

Why hasn’t the location of the Anniversary Forest been revealed yet?

Our official anniversary is at the beginning of November! We think it would be nice to mark that special day by making a festive (digital) announcement of the location of the Anniversary Forest.

Can I visit the Anniversary Forest in person?

Yes, you can. At the end of November, the first trees will go into the ground. And the whole Anniversary Forest will be planted at the end of this year. After that, you can go and visit the forest. Do bear in mind that the saplings are still very small in the initial years, so you’ll have to be patient for a while before it looks like a real forest. In order to protect the nature reserve and the young trees, we request you not to enter the plot and to stay on the paths around it.

It’s important to note that the trees you donate are part of a bigger forest area. Not every tree we plant will grow to become a big mature tree. When planting a new forest, we plant more trees than will eventually survive. This is partly due to natural processes, whereby trees compete for space and light. Planting more trees in the beginning enables us to create a forest ecosystem and healthy growing climate more rapidly. It also increases the chances of a forest where many different species of tree survive, which then reinforce and complement one another. So your tree will ensure that the forest can develop in a natural way.

My company is already a corporate forest partner and has previously planted a corporate forest in the company name. What makes a donation of named trees to the Anniversary Forest special to us?

This year, it’s possible for you as a corporate forest partner to plant an extra large forest of named trees, for all your staff or associates, for example. In addition, this is the first time it’s possible to plant all your trees in the Netherlands. If you’d like more information, please contact us through

I’ve planted named trees in the Anniversary Forest. How many people can I bring along to the tree planting day(s)?

Although we’d like to invite all enthusiastic tree planters to the tree planting day(s), unfortunately that won’t be possible. So for businesses we apply the principle of: the more trees you plant, the more people can come along to the planting day. The minimum number of trees you need to plant in order to receive an invitation is 25.

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