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Greening the municipality of Land van Cuijk

Together with the Municipality of Land van Cuijk and green consultancy Orbis, we are working on the greening of the Municipality of Land van Cuijk. Our aim: to plant 12,540 trees to create new forests and restore existing forests.

Status: Current project


New and restored forest

In the municipality of Land van Cuijk, there is a dire need to plant new forest and restore forest. Trees for All is helping by planting over 12,540 trees on bare grasslands and a former cross-country track.

The grasslands currently have little natural value: few species of plants and animals are found there. In addition, a Norway spruce forest on a former cross-country track has been severely weakened in recent years. Time to change this and make sure nature comes back to life!

Together with the Land van Cuijk municipality and green consultancy Orbis, we have drawn up plans to plant new, varied forests. But we can’t do that without your help. Will you help us with a donation so that we can make the municipality truly green again?

Participate in our forest projects

  • Enter a number
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  • Enter a number
  • Enter a number
  • You will be kept informed about your trees with Track & Trees.
  • You will receive an invitation to plant your own trees during a tree planting day.
  • You will (optionally) receive a mailbox tree. We get trees from you, you get a tree from us!



new trees and bushes


hectares to be planted


0 0

planting period

What makes this project necessary?

To green the municipality of Land van Cuijk, on the one hand we will plant new forest to expand existing ones. On the other hand, we will restore forest on a former cross-country track.

1. New forest on grasslands

Around the village of Overloon there are bare grasslands adjacent to existing forests. The nature value on this land is very low: there is very little variety of plants and animals. That is why we plant new forest here.

We plant with different species that naturally belong in this area, so that the trees and bushes also attract all kinds of birds, insects and mammals. That way, the place will soon be bustling with life again!

plot of grasslands
grassland plot
grassland plot

2. Forest restoration on a former cross-country track

On the municipality’s former cross-country track, you will find a Norway spruce forest with all kinds of dirt paths through it. Unfortunately, the Norway spruce trees are slowly dying off due to the gnawing of the letter beetle: a beetle that attacks the trees considerably.

We are therefore restoring the Norway spruce forest by replanting varied tree species. This is because a varied forest is more resistant to the effects of climate change, such as diseases, pests or drought. If one tree species suffers, the others keep the forest intact.

How to realize this?

In total, we plant over 12,540 trees and shrubs in the municipality of Land van Cuijk. We will do this over two planting seasons.

The new forest will be planted on grasslands near the village of Overloon. This way, we expand the forest and ensure that the plants and animals at this location have plenty of living space. Moreover, the shrubs will be placed at the edge of the plots, creating a nice transition from the surrounding grasslands to the existing forest. Among others, we plant sweet cherry, elder, rowan and blackthorn.

In the winter of 2023-2024, we planted 5,000 trees on the former cross country site. We planted back new species that belong in this region, which will make the forest stronger and more resilient. These include beech, hornbeam, willow, lime, ratchet poplar, common elder, juniper and common broom.

The restored forest will soon connect nicely to the existing heathland area on the western side of the planting area. This will connect natural areas, making it easier for animals to move around and find a suitable place to reproduce.

News from this project

New climate-proof forest in Land van Cuijk municipality: results 2023-2024

New climate-proof forest in Land van Cuijk municipality: results 2023-2024

Together with the municipality and green consultancy Orbis, we are working on greening the Land van Cuijk municipality. Our goal: to plant 7,165 trees to restore existing forest and create new forest. Thanks to the contribution of our donors, the first 5,000 trees were planted last season.

Read the story

This project of Trees for All contributes to several
Sustainable Development Goals

11. Sustainable cities and communities
13. Climate action
15. Life on land
17. Partnership for the goals

Where are we going to plant?

We will plant the trees and bushes in the municipality of Land van Cuijk, quite close to the villages of Wanroij and Overloon.

Our project partners

Within this project, we co-operate with the municipality of Land van Cuijk and green-consultancy Orbis. The municipality owns the grounds and is responsible for the planting and its management. Orbis created the design for part of the plans. Thanks to our donors’ support, Trees for All will be able to make sure the trees are actually planted. Besides, we will remain involved in monitoring the forest in the long run.


Interested in contributing to a world full of trees?

Become a planter with us! Your donation will enable us to realize this project in the municipality of Land van Cuijk, among other things. For every tree in the Netherlands, we will also plant a tree abroad.

Plant with us